
Lidia Yuknavitch said:
“…it’s so very easy to feel small and crumpled up like a wad of paper just now. here’s me reminding you that you can still put a single word to a page, and then another, and pretty soon there is a line, and a single line can save your life. sometimes, as noted, it’s a big fucking deal to make a sentence. same with life. i get up out of bed (don’t want to), i put my clothes on (don’t want to), i leave the house (don’t want to), i go into the world (don’t want to) and then i watch for micro beauty everywhere i go so i can keep moving.”

#prayersfortheresistance is my way to keep moving in these days that often feel dangerous and disorienting. a daily practice of paying poetic attention to the world, as a way to stay present and open, and ready for the long work of resisting fear and hate, and imagining a world, and way of sharing it, based on love and justice for all of us.

the task i give myself is this: every day,  i take a picture, most often of an ordinary moment. using that picture as a jumping off place, i then gather some words around it in the shape of a prayer.

i will keep going as long as i can. as long as it takes.
i hope you will too, because it’s going to take all of us.

yours in the resistance,


if nothing else today, then this:

may the filaments remind you
it only takes a little light
to make a difference in the dark.

Katherine Ferrier is a poet, mover, maker, and activist based in Portland, Maine and Bethlehem, NH. http://www.katherineferrier.net